Monday 26 March 2012

26th March 2012

After a fairly dodgy start to summertime the sky above the Garden of Allah is once again blue and the weather forecast is for scorchio tomorrow, but worryingly, rain for the rest of the week.

So the beginning of summer in Spain is, to say the least, hesitant.

My business card says Locum Chaplain and blogger.

Fortunately summer time has no especial effect with regard to blogging.

If the clocks go forward you simply blog an hour later and no one cares.

Indeed if my stats page is to be believed I am read in all sorts of time zones, at all sorts of times of the day and night.

When I publish this blog the time will be quoted not as CET but in some distant time zone somewhere in the blogosphere, aka gooogle time!

Not so critical then as when in locum Chaplain mode?

Sunday morning I woke as usual at about 6 00 am, a hangover from when I was usefully employed, after a couple of hesitant attempts I was in the shower at 6 30 am.

All according to plan I breakfasted shaved and then sat down with my iPad, called up the Sunday Times, didn't especially notice the time and began to read, after attempting to digest the right wing opinions I switched to The Guardian on the iPhone, that was when I noticed that the iTime had changed, Apple was ahead of the rest of the world, then I googled British Summer Time, it had started already, so I googled Central European Time to be advised that it was not 9 30 but 10 30, aagh! I was late, for a very  important date, get  me to the church on time.

So that is how summer time arrived, forget easy living and fish jumping and your mummy being good looking. I was late, but when I arrived the congregation was still there, singing hymns, very relaxed and so the service began, and according to my watch, we ended before we had begun.

Time is an interesting phenomenon.

I thought that we were moving forward as a society to a time when the human thirst for justice, fairness and equality, will be realised, once called by Superman, The American Way until it was re-christened by a band called the The Tunes, The Mancunian Way, it began with the Post war Settlement, all those houses for heroes, with the NHS and the Welfare State, as the New Labour project sang along with D:ream, Things can only get better.

Sadly they are getting worse.

If you want to keep the welfare system as the woeful, pitiful, factory of hopelessness it is today ....

This is a quote from a speech that David Cameron made to the Scottish Conservative Party.

Beware, Beveridge and Bevan will be spinning in their earthly resting places.

The Kingdom of Bevan is not nearly nigh, it has been cancelled.

If you are too comfortable on your pensions, we'll sort that out.

If you are old, or unable to work, or have young children, or are disabled, we'll sort that out, we are introducing a cap, so you wont ever need to feel rich on benefits, goodness me no, it'll pay you to work and if it doesn't we'll make you work without pay.

We'll soon get you out of the woeful, pitiful, factory of hopelessness into the factory of ........
aah! there are none left, Oh dear!

Well let's send you all packing off to China or India there are factories there, aren't there?

For the past sixty plus post war years Britain has invested in the education of its young people, in the health of the population, in ensuring that the public can go about its business safely enjoying equality under the law.

It is called civilised progress.

It now seems that whilst we were turning the clocks forward someone is turning them back .....

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