Thursday 1 March 2012

1st March 2012

Today I had to visit a local clinic in Alhaurin to book a blood test.

When we were in Italy we had to do the same thing but in a different language.

Within minutes despite the barriers of language and the fact that the clinical names are different we had been registered temporarily with a Doctor and given an appointment for next Monday which had both the name of the clinic and the clinician on the appointment, at the end of the interview the booking clerk shook my hand.

Not, it seems too difficult.

Watching Channel Four News however it seems that in the UK it is increasingly difficult to do simple things, such as treat an older patient with respect.

It is an old fashioned view I know, but I am sure that attitudes are shaped by the tone in which the narrative is debated.

Parliament may be the mother of democracy but listening to the exchanges between the Leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister was embarrassing.

Unnecessary legislation has forced the Government into a position where it has to press forward with changes which it would appear no one supports so as not to lose face, in the same way that the Chancellor appears to find it hard to stimulate the economy to promote growth as he is being urged to do by the opposition, by the commentariat and by business leaders.

So the contempt shown by politicians for the Doctors and Nurses will I am sure influence the view that Doctors and Nurses show to their patients, too often if someone has no time for you or your opinions and appears not to value you, then with the best will in the world, you will reflect that contempt in your dealings with others.

When you are valued you value, when you are not, you don't.

There is a hysteria about Parliamentary Debate at the moment.

The other great fiasco which the Government has introduced under the guidance of Mr Duncan Smith is the system of, apparently voluntary, work placements.

Those who oppose the scheme on the grounds that what is needed are real jobs, created by a growing economy, are dismissed as Trotskyites or interestingly I believe by Mr Duncan Smith as Anarchists.

Well, if that name is being used, as it often is as a term of abuse, it might be worth reflecting on what Trotsky believed and practised and worked to achieve.

In 1924 the American Trotskyist, James Cannon wrote that, Trotskyism is not a new movement, but the restoration or revival of genuine Marxism as practiced in the Russian Revolution.

Trotskyism, he argued, could be distinguished from other Marxist Theories because he, Trostsky, supported a permanent revolution, opposed Stalin, called for social revolution in advanced capitalist countries through mass working class action and supported internationalism.

We all know what happened to Communism, and now we can see something similar happening as Capitalism begins to feel the first pains of a new order emerging and change happening.

Post Communist Russia threw up the Gangsters and the Oligarchs, it is hard to know what a Post Capitalist society will look like but the Billionaires throwing their money away on football clubs and trophy wives offer a clue.

Change when it arrives is always painful.

History tells us that we are subject to constant flux, things change, so the idea that a permanent revolution is possible is simply advising us to ride the changes as well as we are able, Stalin was history whilst Lenin was embalmed, if those opposing the Government's version of workfare are Trotskyites then the protesters at St Paul's and anyone who seeks social change as a way of challenging the capitalist ethic and improving the conditions of people generally would presumably not be offended by the name, indeed might take a certain pride in it? Certainly as the world grows smaller courtesy of easy jet and Ryan Air and support for internationalism grows that can hardly make the Boards of those companies Trotskyites?

We are in a tough place, socially, economically and politically, we need a new narrative for the 21st Century, let's at least conduct the debate in a grown up fashion, please ......

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