Sunday 21 October 2012

21st October 2012

I am not a luddite.

i padded, i phoned and kindled to the hilt, socially well media'd and conversant with live streaming movies and down loading music.

But I just tried to change a flight on easyjet!

Not easy at all!

Who was the wit that came up with the idea that we could manage without travel agents and do the work ourselves 'online' and then happily pay for the privilege?

You go online, change the flight pay the difference in fare, it won't be cheaper! and then pay £35 for each passenger!!!!

Just for the privilege of being an easytouch!

I just hope that George (travel first class on a second class, fare dodger ticket) Osborne doesn't realise what lengths we are prepared to go to and how easy it is to hoodwink us.

And easy it is!

We have been hoodwinked so often!

Driving Licenses, my first one gained when I was 17 was valid until I was 70, well valid until I changed my address and then I was issued a new photo licence and within twenty minutes had to pay a fortune to renew it.

So how did that happen?

I recently sold my car.

We have acquired a new car which belongs to the critic in residence but as we are pretty  much joined at the hip her newly gained independence simply means that when necessary I can use my bus pass or ride the Harley (raining - bus, sunny- Harley, easy travel!).

So having sold the car to a friend of a friend, I sent the necessary paperwork off to the DVLA.

I then receive a letter asking for the necessary paperwork, I telephone Wales to explain, don't worry says a voice straight out of under milkwood, crossed in the post hasn't it?

Love those rhetorical questions as statement's thingies.

Ignore the threatening letter, it's OK its standard in these situations.

Well, nobody told the enforcement section in geordieland.

Apart from anything else, they know where I live.

£1000 fine, automatic, unless you send £30 by return.

So I ring them up, explain, mention under milk wood, don't worry says this lovely geordie lass, obviously a mistake, send a letter to explain.

I suggest that it might be nice if I was to receive an apology.

At the post office the nice lady agrees, best get it signed for, so that's £2 75, the reply when it comes contains no apology.

It is anonymous on behalf of the Secretary of State, but he's a bit busy, apologising to Richard Branson and there are only so many apologies and Richard's got his hands full trying to stop George Osborne fare dodging .............

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