Tuesday 3 April 2012

3rd April 2012

So the blogging continues.

It may not change much but it is a form of resistance.

Technology allows us to say that what is happening is not actually happening in our name, we didn't vote for it and we want it to end.

If I had the kind of talent, I would rather be Captain Ska and set my blog to a catchy beat with a great video to accompany it, but I'm not, so all I can do is continue to publish the words as they occur to me.

I remain somewhat unconvinced that President Obama is such a big fan of Prime Minister Cameron after his comments about social Darwinism but there we are, maybe it's the special relationship, maybe it's that he simply wants to position himself against the republicans but of course social Darwinism is exactly the name of the con-dem game arguing, as they appear to do that the best adapted and most successful social groups survive and in doing so raise the evolutionary level of society generally, that is to say that the fittest survive.

So the bankers continue to do well.

The MP's obviously are OK.

The CEO's who sit on each others pay review bodies continue to award themselves unbelievable bonuses and pay awards, now calculated in the millions.

Tory party treasurers do OK as do the echelons of advisers, bag carriers and hangers on that surround the inner circle of the privileged and the blessed who don't have to produce a passport to enter Downing Street as though it were another country!

The worst outcome of the election has been in my view having to listen to William Hague, banging on about whatever it is he is banging on about.

A friend of mine had a wonderful voice, it was deep and resonant and rich, he was a clergyman and his sermons were mesmerising, not because of the words but because his voice was so reassuring, he began to do some broadcasting and complained to me that someone had said to him in the studio after a recording session, I wish I had your voice I could have made a fortune.

I commented that that was a compliment but his real complaint was that he had not made a fortune.

I have just spent three hours researching and writing my script for Good Friday.

My theme is the bad guys at the cross. So we are looking at Judas, Barabbas and the Roman Soldiers.

Three hours researching and writing.

Possibly twenty folk in attendance.

If I was Giles Fraser thinking aloud I bet I would get more than I will get paid which is exactly nowt!

But then I don't have a silky, rich, dark sienna, voice, although someone did once say that I sounded a bit like, well exactly like actually, Mike Harding.

Margaret Thatcher the great social Darwinist of her day was MP for Finchley, which was appropriate, given the importance of Finches in the Origin of the Species, she thought that there was no such thing as society, David Cameron is more enlightened and believes that there is a big society, its just that he cannot actually describe it, and any way has rather lost interest in it for now.

Margaret Thatcher's guru, Norman, Now Lord, Tebbit, has been weighing in recently to criticise the current con-dem aristocracy as a Government of Chums and another conservative blogger is arguing that the current leadership have got the wrong priorities, the wrong ideology, the wrong politics and the wrong team.

It would seem that its all too far to the left?

So hopefully if I persevere with the blogging and Captain Ska gets into the Top Ten and we all keep the faith, then maybe, just maybe the coalition will collapse, the blue fringed Tories will throw out the woolly liberals and this whole Eton Mess can be put behind us ...........

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