Thursday 24 October 2013

24th October 2013

This has been the longest break between blog posts ever.

Why the silence?

The answer to that gives rise to some interesting thoughts about the National Health Service, the way that it is organised, car parking and the existence of God.

The indoor critic had to have surgery and was in hospital for two nights after the operation which was a fairly major intervention.

We were told that it was in order to limit the risk of MRSA!


At a cost of around £250 a night to stay in hospital compared with the cost of a district nurse I suspect I know the real reason and, to make it a better bargain still, I come free and can bring the patient back when the drain needs taking out or if other attention is required.

Still I didn't mind because I wanted her home and she's happier at home so whatever the reason the outcome was pretty much what we wanted.

Recovery will take time and there will be follow ups to be done but at least we can look forward and she didn't contract MRSA and as she observed, they don't serve G&T's in Ward 10.

Despite feeling deflated by the events of the past few weeks and thinking if I had a faith I would have lost it by now I found myself in an unusual debate with God as I headed into the Hospital to collect the patient.

As well as the surgery which was necessary the patient has to use a wheelchair to get around and had the chariot with her in the ward.

When I approached the hospital I found myself thinking about the parking situation I would encounter.

Routinely we have to arrive an hour early for appointments to be sure of parking and I'm sure that blood pressure increases accordingly.

So as I drove through Carlisle on a cold wet October morning I found myself offering a prayer for parking in a disabled space in the parking area adjacent to the main doors.

The prayer took the form of an Abrahamic negotiation. 

So you’re Almighty, All Seeing, All Knowing, All Encompassing. You created everything and look after the sparrows. 

You are, so they say, Beneficent?

Well the thing is I offered I will believe that all that is true if and when I drive straight into a disabled parking space right by the Main Entrance so the indoor critic doesn't get cold or wet between leaving the hospital and getting to the car.

Of course the story has a happy ending and God and I are still friends.

I wonder, could Richard Dawkins have managed that?

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