Saturday, 15 October 2011

15th October 2011

I have a confession to  make.

I have renewed my subscription and re-loaded The Times app. I know, but what can you do?

Personally I blame the in-house critic who has sooo missed her regular meetings with and reading of, Caitlin Moran's column.

Certainly the column has not let us down this morning ....... Go Caitlin!

I just hope that Cameron, Clegg, Osborne et al read it this morning, it won't make them weep but it just might make them think.

I suppose the thing is I got over myself.

I know all the arguments against News International and I largely agree with them but, apart from the fact that I am off to Genoa for six weeks as a Chaplain at the Church of the Holy Ghost (Piazza Marsala, if you are in Genoa a warm welcome awaits you), and the fact that English Newspapers cost three times the UK price in the Eurozone and are delivered to the ipad for a third of the UK cover price for the printed edition, the main reason I surrendered to what was probably always inevitable, was Liam Fox.

If we didn't have a free press he might have continued to act in a manner that was both high handed and unaccountable.

They do it because they think they can, think they can get away with it, think that no-one really cares, that it doesn't matter.

I guess that at least he wasn't seen wandering round St James's Park dropping secret documents into litter bins in a Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy scenario.

But apart from the issues of defence security and the matter of acting with a duty of care to the people of this country, it now appears that Mr Fox's friend was given some £147, 000 by a consortium of right wing groups and by association that money would appear to be an attempt to secure influence.

However bad the Government, and for the poor and for the working man this Government is very bad news indeed, (see Caitlin Moran), it is essential that we have a free press, even one owned by the Murdoch family, to maintain pressure, to root out inappropriate behaviour, to hold to account and to shine a light on the murkier areas of activity, it is the only way that the truth has half a chance of prevailing rather than being the victim of weasel words and chiselling.

I have always read The Times, I began reading it when the front cover carried the personal columns, I suppose that I have got used to the editorial style, which despite the change of ownership, has remained consistent over the years, and I have relied on the Editorials and the columnists but more recently the separate supplement, The Game has become required reading on a Monday over my porridge.

So we are back again, Sport, Opinion, Headlines, it doesn't take long, but it keeps those politicians on their toes ...........

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