Tuesday, 8 July 2014

8th July 2014

Another long gap between blogs!

I seem to be suffering from a form of lassitude which is more to do with politics and politicians than with my personal circumstances!

As the Labour Party seeks to position itself to the right of George Osborne and in some desperate measure attempts to convince the electorate that it is not only tough on immigration but tough on the causes of immigration, not only tough on benefits but intends to cut the benefits for and of young people unless they find some form of training, not only tough on, well ..... whatever it needs to be tough on, in order to convince the electorate that it can be trusted with being in charge of the economy, I find myself wondering how things can possibly get worse?

Of the three main parties the Liberals have become so compromised by their part in the coalition that they barely register on the swingometer, the Conservative Party it would seem is keen to lead us out of Europe and into a little Englander Laager, with the waggon's (no doubt privatised and run by G4S or Virgin) circled to keep out all and sundry, and an aimless, directionless Labour leadership constantly fighting shy of words like socialism, welfare or justice in case the appear to be, well too socialist or maybe, just too Labour for the voting public.

And all this of course leads to an opportunity for UKIP to appear to be setting the pace both in anti European Rhetoric, anti Immigration Rhetoric, with a programme that makes no sense economically (the sums don't add up) or in terms of building a better more open, more humane, more caring society.

So Lassitude or Ennui or Enervation not assisted especially by the England Team's dire performance in the World Cup.

So how to address this?

I see three possibilities:

The first is escape, a good holiday, let's just clear off to a part of the world where it's not possible to find Radio 4 on the dial or view the BBC News.

Then of course there's simply switching it all off, TV, Radio, Newspapers and burying your head in a good book, escapism of a different sort.

Then there's fighting back, where to start? Well one place may well be a concept that has both religious and social connotations.

The Common Good.

What goods should we hold in common?

What goods should be protected?

What goods should be shared equally?

What is the common good?

Essentially that which enables individuals to enjoy both freedom and liberty, to live peaceably with their neighbours and enjoy the security which comes from having a place to live, food to eat and leisure time to enjoy.

Immediately it is possible to see how the current designs of the coalition's sheep's clothing, masking their wolfish designs makes that vision of the common good impossible for so many to realise.

Whether it's the bedroom tax, or zero hours contracts, or the sanctioning of benefits, or student indebtedness, or the high cost of housing for many people in our society there is neither peace or security or freedom or liberty.

For too many people the idea of the common good is simply an abstract idea which is impossible to realise and that is not good enough!

So for the Labour Party in particular here is a place to start.

How does the idea of the Common Good translate into a practical programme.

In Catholic Social Teaching a path is steered between Laissez Faire Capitalism and Marxism, in practise a route that allows private property but insists that wealth is shared through mechanisms like a living wage.

Governments, through taxation and broader legislation have a responsibility to ensure that public wealth is distributed equitably and fairly throughout the population, in this way as we share in creating that wealth so we share in enjoying the fruits of the wealth, either in terms of creative and rewarding work, through the enjoyment of leisure, or the benefits that come with retirement.

As I relax in the evening or walk around my community I want to see evidence that my neighbours are enjoying the rewards that arise from their contribution to making our and other communities better places for human fulfilment and that together we can enjoy the goods that arise, health, education, work, welfare, leisure, money, and the environment, in common.

Lip service has been paid to this ideal by all political parties from the big society to the one nation, it is time that the Common Good is defined and articulated in the Party Manifesto's that are being drawn up for 2015.